Archived News

April 10, 2005 • Happy National Library Week

Just a quick note from the Shmat. There will be no reviews up this week as he has been spending time lately going through the huge stack of packages that are backlogged. Look for more reviews to trickle in gradually starting next Monday April 11. By the way, Happy National Library Week!

March 23, 2005 • No news is...

Well, it may not be good news. But at least there is news. The Shmat is going to be "lowering" his profile as far as releasing music in 2005. He's going slightly underground, so to speak. There will be less releases this year, if any. You may also see a change in the way that the Shmat releases music, but he's not going to promise anything funky at this point.

For all of you who are sending in your CDs for review. Thank you... please note that the Shmat and his Peoples will continue to write reviews during this year. However, you should note that the backlog waiting list for CD Reviews is approximately 4-6 months at this point. In addition, he's going to start being more choosy about which reviews he does due to workload constraints. Keep that in mind before sending him your Limited Edition of 5 special CD packages...

Speaking of reviews, there have been quite a few for Avoidance Theory including a Pick of the Week at Delusions of Adequacy, Copacetic Zine and Comunicazione Interna. The latter is entirely in Italian, so you'll need to use your babelfish to figure out what it says...

February 14, 2005 • Valentine wishes

Happy Valentine's Day from the Shmat! To celebrate, the Shmat has resumed his oft neglected features section. This month he interviewed Anamude from San Francisco.

There's been a shmattering of airplay for the Avoidance Theory Shape of Trees album over on stations like KAOS, KDVS, KSCR, KUCI, KUPS, KZUU, WBAR, KUPS, KURE, and Indieradio.

How's everyone doing, shmatty good? You might notice a few changes throughout the site and especially on this main news page in the next couple months. The Shmat is intending to experiment with some different formats for presenting news, reviews, features and more. The main format of the site will probably not change, however.

Oh, also, you should all go out and get the Iron and Wine EP Woman King as it is pretty good..